Grupo de Familiares y Amigos de Detenidos Ejecutados Políticos y Desaparecidos de Atacama se ha visto obligado una vez más a condenar los actos de vandalismo que han tenido como objetivo la Casa de la Memoria de Copiapó. Este es un sitio que rinde homenaje a las víctimas de la dictadura y trata de preservar la memoria de lo que fue una de las épocas más oscuras de Chile.
Los miembros del valiente grupo tuvieron que eliminar graffitis de odio de esta zona en menos de dos semanas, que incluían símbolos nazis y elogios al fascismo. El vandalismo es un insulto a quienes murieron y sufrieron bajo la dictadura y a sus familias que aún buscan justicia.
It is built on the love, effort and history of those who are still seeking justice for loved ones. It also plays an important role in bringing awareness to Atacama through the remembrance of past events, and reminds us not to forget.
This vandalism is an indication that, even though it has been 50 years since Chile’s dictatorship began, some people still promote intolerance and hatred. This vandalism is a sign that the struggle for Human Rights in Chile continues and there are still those who want to undermine progress in the field.
The Group calls upon the Atacamena Community and anyone committed to the protection of Human Rights, to condemn these horrendous acts and to protect this area and any others similar ones that exist on our land. Families and friends deserve at least the solidarity and respect of the society as they search for truth and justice. Vandalism is not tolerable, and we all have a responsibility to protect memory and use history as a guide so the atrocities of the past never repeat themselves.
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